Sunday, October 21, 2012

24HCD: Fun with Stick Figure Comics

As you know. I didn't even come close to the 24 pages in 24 hours that I was supposed to submit for 24 Hour Comic Day. Yes, 1 page in 24 hours is extremely pathetic LOL!!! But it wasn't for lack of trying. There is a lot that goes into putting together a comic. Intense things that happen before you can even think of putting pen or pencil to page. I went all out with my limited skills. I posted the page that was complete, but had no energy left to scan the other pages.

I finally managed enough strength to scan the other 10 pages that didn't make it to finalization for 24 Hour Comic Day. I'm including page 1 as it was before I started filling in the dialogue.

Although I did not finish during the time frame. I intend to finish it one day. Hopefully before the next 24 Hour Comic Day. It was never meant to be a classically drawn comic. The majority of the blank spaces were supposed to hold commentary; The way Page #1 looked when it was complete.

These are the pages before dialog was to be added. Of course I ran out of time after Page #1.

Although I crashed and burned like a single engine plane with 50 fat people on it, I don't think it will be the last time I give it another try... But then again, maybe I should just stick to Photo Art :-)


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