Sunday, April 7, 2013

What the Batman Marathon?

I love Batman. If I could have removed the Penguin completely from the movie, Batman Returns would have been one of my favorites. After watching Batman and Batman Returns back to back, I realize now that despite popular opinions and condemnations, I will still hold Michael Keaton as my favorite Batman to look at. Not the movie, but the actual person. To me, he was the sexiest Batman of them all. His mannerisms are so perfect. And those eyebrows just draw me in. All you see on Batman is his eyes and mouth. Michael Keaton's eyes are stunning, haunting, expressive and just plain beautiful; and his lips are sweet. Sooooo sexy!!!! I loved his portrayal and interpretation of the character as well. His confused, tormented, psychotic personality traits fit the character for me. Val Kilmer had the most disgusting mouth. I couldn't even watch the movie anymore. I never saw the full Batman Movie he was in. I don't remember much of his existence in the movie. All I remember was being disgusted every time they did a closeup on him. Clooney was the corniest Batman. Just a joke and a waste of a beautiful man as Batman. But when it comes to the sanctity of the Batman character, I give that to Christian Bale. He has the most conviction, and gave the most sacrifice to the character. Sacrifices his own existence to become Batman. But Christian Bale does that for all the characters he plays. I commend him on his skills and the honor and respect he has for his craft. But I can't stand his voice as Batman. He has the worst voice. sounds like he has a mouth full of mud. And those lips!!! What??? If he didn't speak, I wouldn't know he had lips. He just has lines instead of lips. I just can't. But because of his skills and conviction, I put him as my favorite Batman Character. But Keaton is my favorite Batman doll. LOL!!!

Insanity comes to Gotham.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Encountering Hugh

Yesterday I met a guy named Hugh. We stood at the center of the South helm of Union Square for about an hour and a half, talking about everything and nothing. Normally, if I'm walking down the street, and a guy taps me on the shoulder, and says, "I like your glasses," I simply say, "Thank you," and keep walking. I'm not quick to open my door. I don't allow people in that easily. This is mostly due to my inability to activate the trap door at the right time—before too much damage is done. But he was holding a booklet that appeared to be a self published work.  He said, "I didn't just stop you to comment on your glasses, although I like your earrings as well, but I was looking for people who looked like they could actually read." Had I not been, at that very moment, thinking about stopping at Forbidden Planet, to pick up some reading material for inspiration, I probably would have graciously and politely removed myself from the situation. But instead, I was excited and delighted that he came out of nowhere to offer exactly what I was looking for. And because his response was, "I guess that's the laws of attraction at work," this prompted a long discussion about the concept of the laws of attraction, among other things. Those other things included: martial arts, comic books, the judicial system,, and the film production industry.

I am so glad that he came along. My intention, when I began my walk from 34th street, was to take the bus home from the 1st stop on the line at 8th Street. That would give me time to knit and contemplate my weekend, without distraction. Along the way, I had started thinking about how much I wanted to write again. I started thinking about the story I wanted to write, and decided I wanted to first read something, from which I can draw inspiration. Because of the hour and a half long conversation we had, and receiving his book, I instead, ended up hiding in, as opposed to perusing the shelves of Forbidden Planet. I wandered around each book lined corner, attempting to thaw out my frozen hands and feet, before reluctantly taking the Subway home, in lieu of the bus.

I looked forward to reading Hugh's story, "The Chronicle Collection" by Luikane, and acting on some of the things we discussed. It's always a blessing and a treasure to share experiences with someone new.

PS:  Because my goal is to always focus on the positive things that enter my realm, I will ignore the book’s possibly falsified news paper reviews, on the last page, the shoddy binding system, misspelled author’s name, and the possibly fraudulent ISBN number. Yes, this may have been just a scam; A new way to avoid simply begging for money. A Requested donation for this small piece of literature is not so bad—is it? Although my soul just silently screamed blasphemy, upon my use of the term, “literature”, in reference to this document, I still maintain my positive outlook. I’m still going to take the gift I received and run with it. It doesn’t matter what his intentions were, all that matters is my response to them. Whatever the case, be the intent honorable, or not, what is truly real for me, is the impression I was left with after this encounter, and the motivation I now feel, to again immerse myself in the waters of the pool of literary wealth.  I thank the Universe for my encounter with Hugh.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

24HCD: Fun with Stick Figure Comics

As you know. I didn't even come close to the 24 pages in 24 hours that I was supposed to submit for 24 Hour Comic Day. Yes, 1 page in 24 hours is extremely pathetic LOL!!! But it wasn't for lack of trying. There is a lot that goes into putting together a comic. Intense things that happen before you can even think of putting pen or pencil to page. I went all out with my limited skills. I posted the page that was complete, but had no energy left to scan the other pages.

I finally managed enough strength to scan the other 10 pages that didn't make it to finalization for 24 Hour Comic Day. I'm including page 1 as it was before I started filling in the dialogue.

Although I did not finish during the time frame. I intend to finish it one day. Hopefully before the next 24 Hour Comic Day. It was never meant to be a classically drawn comic. The majority of the blank spaces were supposed to hold commentary; The way Page #1 looked when it was complete.

These are the pages before dialog was to be added. Of course I ran out of time after Page #1.

Although I crashed and burned like a single engine plane with 50 fat people on it, I don't think it will be the last time I give it another try... But then again, maybe I should just stick to Photo Art :-)


Really????? Only 1 Page Completed?

LOL!!!! Really????? Only 1 page completed? Seriously?  WTF???!!!! I so totally folded at the 19th hour. I started at 12:00pm on October 20, 2012 and nearly tipped off my chair at 7:10 am.  I crawled to my bed and passed the heck out. I'm amazed at what I did though. I made it to page #11 before my body decided to end the journey without my permission.

I can't complain. I can't draw to save my life but I really enjoyed this challenge. Although I was only able to complete one full page, it was an experience I will never forget.

I can't help but laugh. At first, I considered crying. I really wanted to finish. But for all the good crying would do, I could just have pancakes instead.

It took me about 20 minutes just to scan this page and add the text. I would have loved to add the text by hand but that was a no go. I will eventually scan the other 10 pages and add them some time today, but right now I hear the kettle whistling and I must have some tea.

Maybe next year I will have a better idea of how to use my time and work with my limitations. I certainly will not go out the night before like I did this time. I didn't get home until 4:00am. I only ended up getting felt up by a stranger. That's what I get for going out alone. I scolded him politely until he decided to call himself a jerk and told himself to F@%$ off. It's not good when it pains you to hurt someone's feelings, even if that person is violating your personal space. But that's a part of me I still need to work on. On the good side, I enjoyed the band and still looked forward to going home and preparing for doing this challenge.

I may not have been able to finish the way I wanted to, but for the most part, this has been a mesmerizingly beautiful experience.

Blessings and light to all those who participated in 24 Hour Comic Day.


6 Hours to Go

6 hours to go and I'm only on page #11. I'm so fried right now. My body is saying... Just lay down. :-(

I have no dialogue yet and my drawings are beginning to scare me. I think I'm in the early stages of delirium. 


Saturday, October 20, 2012

12th Hour - Putting Ink 2 Paper

Almost Midnight. I'm finally putting ink to paper on page #1. I'm nervous, but I'm really enjoying this adventure. This is something I would never have thought to put on my to do list. But I'm glad I not only put it on my list, but I took the first step in making it happen.

To all those in the final stretch... Happy 24 Hour Comic Day.


Story Concept Complete - 8th Hr

I can't believe it took me 8 hours to take the story concept from beginning to end. When I sketched the final image I was so happy. I didn't think I'd even get that to happen. For so many hours I couldn't tell where the story was going to end up. Now I have panels that will get me through each page.

Now I have to organize each page with windows so I can fill in the graphics and start on the dialogue. I don't want to do the dialogue until I start finalizing my graphics.

I'm so happy I jumped in and decided to take a swim. Creativity has always been rewarding for me and doing anything creative is essential to my living as opposed to just existing.

So happy and so focused on that light at the end of the tunnel.